Friday, May 17, 2019

Blood Donation: Reasons to Donate

Q Hav u ever donated ur blood? Y? MKT case from Americas Blood Centers(ABC). It was founded in 1962 and is the national network of nonprofit, independent community blood centers. The members of it work for more than 125 million ppl and more than 3,100 hospitals. It carried out a survey nationwide via telephone interviews in golf club to encourage ppl to donate blood. Reasons for giving blood umanitarian basiss as their primary undercoat for donating blood 4 out of 6 top reasons are altruistic motives patroning the community and responding a blood shortage Wanting to help other(a)s 34% Responding to a blood drive 25% Helping the community 13% hearing approximately a shortage 7% Because I might need it someday 4% Helping a local child 2% Reasons for not donating blood 44% cite health issues as reason for notthis group is likely to be difficult to call up donating. risk health) however, half(52%) say other reasons being scared of the process and unawareness never thought about i t 17% too ill-tempered 15% scared of process 10% afraid of infection 4% dont know where/how to give 4% dont know anyone in need 2% many reasons could be eliminated by some specific commandment about the ease,speed and safety of the process of the blood donation. and make ppl aware the need for blood. ABC gave some potent msgs to encourage blood donation. family member, frd or child is in need. 86% 92% extremely and compelling(see in table 4. 3) In addition, it find out the ppl who donated 1-2 times, 18-34 yrs ones and ppl who saidnever thought about itas the reason for not donating are most likely to change mind to donate blood. while the target were asked twice about the question whether someone is likely to donate blood in the next 12 months. The yes resolve grows from 34% to 41% It turns out that roughly 8% of respondents switched to yes while only 2%.. no.

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